June 20, 2006

Comics to the rescue!

Superhero flying to the rescue of native youthSuicide is a scourge among young aboriginals. But a new superhero, with eagle feathers in his hair and a red, white and blue suit that hugs his chiselled body, is flying in to the rescue.

His name is Wesakechak, named after the mythical shape-shifter and protector in Cree legends. But he's been updated for the 21st century with a flying motorcycle, superhuman strength and put inside a comic book now being distributed across the country for aboriginal youth.


Maskosis said...

Wesakechak The Shapeshifter a hero for today's youth ...what a concept! A great idea, though his costume is Red, White, and Blue, more Americanized than [North American]. Wesakechak is a Plains Cree Legend and ought to be pragmatic to Canadian history. Overall, being a shapeshifter and living in this day and age helping kids understand why things are the way they are, I guess today's Nichis don't wear the same outfits as they did 500 years ago ;)

Rob said...

See Comics Good for Your Health for more on the Healthy Aboriginal Network and its comics.