Although I have become accustomed to his constant rants against the tribe, I was deeply disturbed to read his comments about the tribe in his new book. Clearly, Mr. Crosby's emotions got the best of him and he decided to base his comments on fantasy rather than facts.
For an individual who represented the 1960s, a time of peace and love, there's nothing peaceful or loving about Mr. Crosby's bitter tone. He seems to have become the head cheerleader for the tribe's vocal opponents in the Santa Ynez Valley. It appears that the only remaining elements left over from the '60s with Mr. Crosby are his drug and alcohol addictions.
Yes, it's the David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young. Yes, he has a history of conflict with the Chumash tribe--a classic case of NIMBYism. This posting refers to his new book, Since Then, which just came out.