February 21, 2007

Age of the Water Carrier

Hopi Runners to Carry the Gift of WaterThe 130-mile, three-day journey from the mesas to the banks of Oak Creek Canyon has been organized by Sedona's Institute of Ecotourism to raise awareness of the impact that humans have on the earth's very limited supply of fresh water.

The idea was inspired by the 1,500-mile Hopi-to-Mexico City Run last March when runners from the Hopi villages took messages about the Hopi water ethic to the 4th World Forum on Water. That event was organized by Black Mesa Trust, a grassroots organization founded in 2000 to stop use of water from the pristine Navajo Aquifer underlying Black Mesa to slurry coal mined there by Peabody Energy to the Mohave Generating Station in Laughlin, Nevada.

"This important event will unite Hopi tribal members and members of other Native American tribes with other communities throughout Arizona," said Diane Dearmore, executive director of the Institute of EcoTourism, "Water connects all people transcending all cultures, ethnic backgrounds and belief systems. Water is the precious gift of life. My hope is all of our eyes will open to the very important role water plays in our lives."
Comment:  Why don't we ever see students emulating this action when they learn about Indians? Because it doesn't fit their stereotypical mold of who Indians are.


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I wonder if these Hopi runners know that the Institute of Ecotourism is a nest of newagers and so called shamans. Here is a web address for their event calendar. http://www.ioet.org/iet_events.html. The events calendar has an MIT scientist talking about vortexes...etc, I googled some of the names and it doesn't look good. This is what I found out about James Endredy who is to give a talk there about Ancient prophecies and modern science, James Endredy is a teacher, mentor, and guide to thousands of people through his books and workshops. After a series of life tragedies and mystical experiences as a teenager he changed direction from his Catholic upbringing and embarked on a life-long spiritual journey to encounter the mysteries of life and death and why we are all here. For over twenty-five years he has learned shamanic practices from all over the globe, while also studying with kawiteros, lamas, siddhas, roadmen, and leaders in the modern fields of ecopsychology, bioregionalism, and sustainable living. James also worked for ten years with Mexican shamanic researcher Victor Sanchez learning to share shamanic practices with modern people. The other name that jumped out was Mario Blackwolf, claims to be a Native Elder, Priest and Medicine Man, he also gives sweat lodges to tourists.
    You know, I hope I'm wrong about this, but my gut instinct is telling else wise.


  2. I don't know if the Hopi know. Perhaps they do know, but they figure the message is so important it doesn't matter who sponsors it.


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