March 15, 2007

Smith's love child:  hoax or not?

Phoenix New Times:  Ew.The difference with this hoax is that it has Anna Nicole Smith making vile racist comments to the Native American man with whom she supposedly had an affair back in 2001. It also depicts her asking the man, called Johny Soto, to fuck her “axe wound” in the bathroom of a casino in Las Vegas. The article also includes a nice dollop of racist assumptions about Native Americans–the author had John Soto’s father die of an alcohol overdose after consuming several bottles of Lysol floor cleaner. Go read the article if you want.

Anyway, the article is a fake, and it’s clear for several reasons. First, if John Soto is supposed to be a full-blooded Native American, then I’m a Samurai. The photo of the little kid is obviously Photoshopped. A little Googling showed that the spa where Smith and Soto supposedly stayed was closed during that time for rennovations.
Comment:  See my comments at the end of this posting. Also see Message Boards > Anna Nicole Smith > Marshall Black Deer Soto [m]

a long thread in which the participants discuss the evidence against the hoax.

So far the evidence is inconclusive. If the story is a hoax, you gotta admire the Phoenix New Times for constructing a story rich with details that people, even Native experts, can't knock down easily.


  1. Several reality shows already have hoax-like premises, don't they?

  2. Reality

    re·al·i·ty /riˈælɪti/

    1. the state or quality of being real.
    2. resemblance to what is real.

    In this context, the second definition applies.

  3. You'd know dodges, I guess, since you use them so often.

    I generally go by the dictionary definition, since it's the established definition. I applied that definition to reality shows by choosing the second of two meanings. That's more of an answer than you give to most questions, so spare us the double standard.

  4. Translation of "dishonest or deceitful": designed to show the illogical, ignorant, simpleminded, or stupid nature of your answers.

    Most of the questions I've asked you've never answered. Readers can search the archives themselves or take my word for it. In fact, I've offered you money if you could prove you answered certain questions. You ducked the challenge because you knew you couldn't win it.

    As I said, Russ, if you're going to lie in my blog, I'll have to point out your lies. You're lying when you tell people you've answered questions that you haven't. Again, prove me wrong if you can. Put up or shut up.

    I trust readers can see through your pathetic excuses for dodging questions, because I sure can. In contrast, I'll answer any question asked without using my mental powers to judge the questioner's "honesty." That's because I'm trying to get at the truth, not cover it up.

    Was my answer to your rhetorical question about reality clear enough? My definition is the dictionary definition because it's the accepted definition. Let me know if any part of that isn't clear and I'll try again. Unlike you, I'm not afraid of answering questions.


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