July 23, 2007

Chickasaw Space Camp

Chickasaw Space Camp broadens students’ horizonsSeveral Chickasaw students spent a week of their summer learning more about the world of aviation and space during the fifth annual Chickasaw Nation Aviation and Space Academy (CNASA).

High school students attended the Ada camp the week of June 18-22, and students in the fifth through the eighth grades attended June 25-29.
The purpose:Chickasaw Nation Gov. Bill Anoatubby said CNASA was developed as part of the tribe’s commitment to making exciting educational opportunities available to Chickasaw students.

“Our goal is to create an environment where these young people are encouraged to consider careers in science and technology and inspired to pursue excellence,” Anoatubby said. “Each year the camp is a great success. Many of the students left camp thinking about careers they may have never considered before, and we expect this year’s camp will expand the horizons of even more Chickasaw students.”

1 comment:

  1. Writerfella here --
    And writerfella thought HE was a science fiction writer!! The "Chickasaws" do that every time they write their names!
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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