September 17, 2007

South Dakotans like Imprint

'Imprint' fresh, original filmmakingReopening her heart to her own culture, and opening her senses to the mysterious visions, Stonefeather finally takes the advice of an elder and follows the mystery to its source. This reveals a spine-tingling plot twist that neither I nor anybody I talked to anticipated. It was every bit as shocking as the one in "The Sixth Sense."

With a couple good laughs, some romance and a final scene as satisfying as any movie fan could wish for, "Imprint" is multi-layered and smart, and I found it even better the second time around when I returned for another viewing the next day.

The technical aspects are so superb it often didn't feel like a local film--we almost might forget it is a South Dakota production, but for the constant reminders by scenery. South Dakota's landscapes and inhabitants are portrayed tenderly, with sweeping cinematography enhanced by Michael Linn's original score.
Viewers give thumbs up at premiere of 'Imprint'[Tonantzin] Carmelo, gracious despite running on only one hour of sleep (she flew in from filming another movie), said she had seen "Imprint" several times already, but she still was impressed by the newly re-edited version screened at the premiere.

"It has more 'oomph,'" she said.

Former Rapid City mayor Jim Shaw was also in attendance, and--while he didn't use the word "oomph"--he was one of many viewers who mentioned the plot's surprise twist with admiration.

"It kept me in suspense. ... The ending blew me away. I had no clue," he said. "They've got a winner here."

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