September 27, 2007

"Walking a Mile's" recommendations

Working to understand one anotherThe report suggests that "the content of education in museums, schools and the media should not only include more in-depth, less stereotyped information about Indians' history, but also be expanded to include information on Indians' contemporary life, culture and political rights."

It goes on to propose that "Non-Indians need to recognize and respond to the feelings, perceptions and issues uppermost in the minds of American Indians--at the levels of policy and public education. ... It is not enough to know, and feel guilty, about Indians' mistreatment in the past or even their poverty and isolation today."

While the report was long overdue and a little inceptive, perhaps with conscientious follow-up to helpful recommendations such as these, more communities can get our mutual walk together up to a healthy jog.
Comment:  This writer is another person who says "Walking a Mile" has only stated the obvious. Yes, and I'm stating the obvious when I say we still stereotype Native people after 500 years. Until everyone gets it, the obvious still needs to be stated. If it isn't truly obvious, it isn't truly obvious. (How's that for a Yogi Berra-style adage?)

Incidentally, not including info on contemporary life was a complaint about the National Museum of the American Indian when it opened. Critics said the NMAI glorified the sunny past while ignoring the cloudy present. So Natives as well as non-Natives are prone to overlook the negative and focus on the positive.

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