November 24, 2007

Adam shines in SVU

In Tuesday's Law & Order: SVU, Adam Beach finally played a leading role. For the first time, he was first among equals in the squad room.

In the episode, titled "Fight":The death of a young girl appears to link to the world of ultimate fighting, and tensions rise within the department when two brothers (Gaius Charles, Arlen Escarpeta) are charged with the crime.Beach's character Chester Lake finally gained a little depth in "Fight." As we learned:

  • Lake is sympathetic to the plight of foster kids because he grew up in foster care himself.

  • He was an amateur mixed martial arts fighter and was planning to go pro before he injured himself.

  • He was almost arrested in a barrroom brawl but his cousin took the rap for him.

  • P.S. As it turns out, the murder had nothing to do with ultimate fighting. It was part of a gang initiation gone wrong.

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