December 21, 2007

Harjo names this year's losers

Harjo:  2007 Mantle of Shame AwardsThe pope--for not withdrawing the doctrine of discovery papal bulls that have wrought so much havoc on Native peoples of this hemisphere.

The Associated Press, Washington--for erroneously reporting that Makah hunters used a machine gun to kill a gray whale, which made a complex, tragic situation a dangerous one for the entire Makah Tribe and all Native peoples.

Uncle Tomahawk Chops--for their unusual focus on and attachment to "Indian" sports references and their singular disregard of the views or situations of living Native Americans. The hands-down winner in this category this year is the University of North Dakota, whose fans would rather spend tens of millions of dollars in court to keep their team name and images than pay attention to the actual Sioux peoples who are telling them to retire "Fighting Sioux."

Russell Means--for his mid-December announcement in D.C. that he is unilaterally withdrawing the Lakota Sioux from treaties with the United States. News flash to Means: treaties are made between nations; you are a person and not a nation; you are not empowered to speak for the Great Sioux Nation; as an individual, you can only withdraw yourself from coverage of your nation's treaties.
Comment:  Follow the link to read about all the losers. And for last year's losers, click here.


  1. About the Russell Means story.... I already had someone say to me "So, did you hear that the Lakota are trying to secede several states from the US?"

    So I have seen at least some damage done from Mr. Means's stunt.

  2. Writerfella here --
    So, what will Russell Means' eulogy and/or tombstone say when he treads into 'The Great Darkness?' "Hedonist, sensationalist, opportunist, insurrectionist, revolutionist, seditionist, secessionist, and terminationist?" writerfella suggests that it all could be contained in one single, salient phrase: "Contributed to the delinquency of a minority..."
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  3. I've seen a couple of reports claiming the Lakota are trying to secede. These reports are referring to Lakota nations, not Lakota individuals. The reporters apparently don't realize that tribes have constitutionally elected governments just like states do.

    It's a good example of how poorly Americans understand Indians. They don't know the truth so they believe whatever they read. Especially if it distorts reality and reinforces stereotypes.

    I can just imagine Joe Six-Pack's response to this stunt: "Oh, no! Those angry Indians are on the warpath again! We'd better put them down before they rise up and scalp us!"

  4. Writerfella here --
    But that would mean that they do not understand how their OWN local, city, county, state, and federal governments work! Wow, Jay Leno's 'Jay-Walking' segments are true! All of us are doomed! Aiieeee!
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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