December 23, 2007

Team RSM defends Redskin magazine

Our old messages get comments:It seems that hate and ignorance against one another still lives in the hearts of our First Nations people. ... RSM doesn’t not believe in supporting hate, wash your hands of the education you have been given that pigeonholes and stereotypes all our brothers and sisters with ignorance and hate.Comment:  Translating this from unclear into clear English, I gather "Team Redskin Magazine" still thinks its stereotypical name is a good idea.


  1. Writerfella here --
    "Translating this unclear English into clear English,...?" You have that power, Rob, and the intuitive yet educated command to justify its employment at your whim and leisure? Oh, of course, Native intelligence and education MUST be inferior to yours, and so then you may create your own new stereotypes while you profess to be undermining existing ones. What a world, what a world...
    All Best
    Merry XMush And A Harpy Near You
    Russ Bates

  2. Your comment is hilarious considering how often you pick on the mistakes of non-Indian writers. Can you say "hypocritical"? I know you can.

    My comment had nothing to do with the ethnicity of the writer. As everyone but you understands at this point, I criticize people only when they deserve it. Period.

    Do I have the ability to translate unclear English into clear English? Yes, because I'm a professional writer who's paid for his writing and editing skills. If you don't have that ability, you must not be a professional writer.

    Are you prepared to defend Team RSM's second sentence, which is clearly run-on? Or the awkward phrase "hate and ignorance against one another"? What about the foolish double negative that I rightly made fun of?

    If you didn't catch the mistakes in these two sentences, you're a worse writer than I thought. Let me know if you need a refresher course in proper English. I'll be glad to provide it no matter who you are.

  3. Writerfella here --
    You mean you ADMIT that you were mistaken, Rob? Break out the Bollinger's! Launch those star shells, strike up the band! Huzzah, huzzah! Contact Guinness! There's even a glacier advancing on Satan's castle! Polka, polka, polka, everyone!
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. Huh? I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't admitted a mistake in this thread.

    Again, learn to write clearly. Specify what you mean. Ask me if you need help with your often vague writing.

  5. Writerfella here --
    Wow, Rob, that was the shortest post you've made in two years! You're LEARNING!
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  6. Too bad you're not learning how to write clearly.


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