March 23, 2008

No Star Trek at Nambe

Star Trek Themed Casino Phased OutThe Nambe Pueblo is no longer making plans to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Pueblo tribal leaders have tabled plans for a "Star Trek" themed casino, citing economic concerns.

Instead, the Pueblo intends to build a much smaller casino next to its new travel center north of Santa Fe.

They plan to study the larger casino project in the future.
Comment:  This is probably a good idea, since Nambe is a traditional pueblo and Star Trek is about as far from traditional as you can get. A Nambe-themed casino might be less profitable, but it might be better for the tribe's culture and its long-term future.

For more on the subject, see The Facts About Indian Gaming and The Indian-Star Trek Connection.

Below:  Boldly going where no comic-book publisher has gone before: on the road to Nambe.


  1. Writerfella here --
    writerfella agrees, as STAR TREK and all ST properties are protected by registered trademarks owned by Paramount Studios, and the annual licensing fees for usages by other entities both are ineluctable and exorbitant. There already is a STAR TREK-themed casino, in any case, as a part of THE STAR TREK EXPERIENCE in the Las Vegas Hilton, established and maintained by Paramount Parks, Inc. writerfella was a special (all expenses paid!) guest there in 2004 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his Native-oriented STAR TREK episode, "How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth." The world's second largest ST convention was being held there simultaneously and THAT was a week that was!
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. Russ, this is a big let-down. You were so close to having people playing Dawson Walkingbear-themed slot machines (complete with repeating Shatner voice sample "Kukla..KAN! Kulka...KAN!" )Ah well, it remains but a dream.

  3. Writerfella here --
    writerfella recently visited the local Delaware Gold River Casino and was astounded to see STAR WARS gaming machines, STAR TREK gaming machines, ALIEN gaming machines, INDIANA JONES gaming machines, STARGATE gaming machines, THE ABYSS gaming machines, LORD OF THE RINGS gaming machines, even GODZILLA gaming machines! Shh, DMarks, you might be giving people ideas!
    All Best
    Russ Bates


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