July 17, 2008

Indiana Jones iconography

In Indiana Jones at a Glance, Russell Bates claimed it's "iconic symbolization" to portray Indy running from Indians on the official website. As he put it:The opening scene of the original RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK is of Indiana Jones fleeing rampant Natives sent after him by his nemesis Belloq. That scene since has become a movie icon and, as Indy 4 is a recapitulation of (read: sequel to) the original, the scene MUST reoccur.Here's my response:

Search Google Images for "Indiana Jones" and you'll see what's iconic. It's Indy with his hat and whip...period. Not Indy running from savages, but Indy standing tall and looking tough. That's the iconic symbol the website should've used.

In fact, as of July 16, the first image of Indiana fleeing Indians was only the 150th image in Google Images. Remember, these are arguably the most popular images on the Web. So 149 images of Indy without savage spearchuckers are more popular than Indy with savage spearchuckers. Hence the official website image isn't iconic.

Anything else you need me to explain about movie symbolism, Russ? Just let me know.

For more on the subject, see Indiana Jones and the Stereotypes of Doom.

Below:  The first and most iconic hit in Google Images.


  1. Writerfella here --
    THAT was an explanation? It hardly qualified even as an explication, as Google is far less old as are the movies themselves. Answering a question with a question is not exposition; it simply is gainsaying.
    Why is a raven like a writing desk?
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. Re "Google is far less old as are the movies themselves": I guess this is your semi-coherent way of saying movies are older than Google. Okay, but that's irrelevant, since Spielberg and Lucas created the website in the Google era.

    More to the point, Google only reflects what everyone (except you) knows. Namely, that the central Indiana Jones iconography is his hat and whip...period.

  3. Writerfella here --
    'Convenient (or selective) memory' is your bane. Indiana Jones has his origins in the movie serials of the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Because they were aimed at children, such icons became the foundation of most modern filmmakers' early educations. His hat and whip merely are characteristics, NOT defining earmarks. But maybe when you see or experience Indiana Jones, those are the only things you recognize. As in, "Who was that MASKED man?"
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. Since most moviegoers haven't seen old serials, Spielberg and Lucas were free to ignore them. To promote their movie, they should've gone with the most popular Indy icons: his hat and his whip. Instead they trotted out a stupid stereotype and thus revealed their closet racism.

    To reiterate, my image search proves what the actual icons are. When you have some evidence that people think of spearchucking savages first when they think of Indiana Jones, please provide it. Until then, your ignorant opinions are just that...your ignorant opinions.

    P.S. Speaking of masked men, the Lone Ranger's icon is his mask just like Indiana's is his hat. If you disagree, can you name another icon that identifies the Lone Ranger better? Good luck with your answer...you'll need it.


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