October 25, 2008

Scowling chief must go

Scowling Indian mascot deemed offensiveCarpinteria High School's scowling warrior mascot is apparently doomed.

The school district's 15-member Native American Imagery Committee decided Thursday that the school board should get rid of the warrior face on letterman jacket patches and football helmets because they could be offensive.

Committee member Wally Burquez says "it came down to the scowl on the Indian's face."

The school board decided in April to keep the school's Warrior team name but said paintings, logos, murals and other images depicting the school's American Indian mascot must go.

The decision was based on a complaint from a student member of the Chumash tribe who complained the mascot perpetuates stereotypes and offensive to Native Americans.
Comment:  As scowls go, this one isn't bad.

You mean this mascot would be acceptable if he were smiling? A smile hasn't made Cleveland's Chief Wahoo acceptable.

I'd say the biggest problem isn't the scowl. It's the idea of using a Plains Chief in California. And associating it with "Warriors," feathers, and an arrow.

For more on the subject, see Team Names and Mascots.

Below:  "I'm mad because I'm 1,300 miles from my Lakota homeland!"

P.S. Another scowling chief who must go:

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