March 09, 2009

Sherman Alexie on racism

Native American Writer Details Personal StruggleThe beginning days of high school posed Alexie the toughest challenges to his identity. He was alienated by his own people who felt betrayed by Alexie for leaving the reservation, and he was initially forced to cope with the racist attitudes of white students in his high school.

Nevertheless, as Alexie began to befriend some white students, he discovered that fear was one of the root causes of their racism.

“They literally thought I was going to pull out a bone arrow and shoot them,” Alexie said.

Although Alexie struggled with stereotypes and preconceived notions of what it meant to be Native American throughout his youth, he noted that the people who had done the most damage to him were other Native Americans.

Alexie specifically addressed Native American youths in the audience, telling them that it is “okay” to leave the reservation in search of a better life, even amidst the criticisms of tribe members and other races.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Sherman Alexie on Stereotypes and All About Sherman Alexie.

Below:  The reality...

...and the perception.

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