March 12, 2009

Sheyahshe and Schmidt on the radio

Last week I did another interview for Beyond the Grassy Knoll, an Internet radio station. Michael Sheyahshe, author of Native Americans in Comic Books, fills us in:

Radio InterviewRob Schmidt, creator of the Peace Party comic book, and I were recently interviewed for a radio program out of Florida about Indigenous people in comic books and comic book mythology, in general. The show is called, "Beyond the Grassy Knoll," and while I'm not entirely sure what their website is all about, they certainly have a lot of theories...about everything.

However, the host was very polite and seemed to be genuinely interested in how Native people are portrayed in comics--plus, it was good to have a dialogue between Schmidt and myself.

Click the link below for the radio interview (running time--59:10):
Comment:  As usual, I recommend downloading this and listening to it while you're doing something else--e.g., commuting or exercising.

For more on the subject, see Rob Goes "Beyond the Grassy Knoll."

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