April 16, 2009

NIGA 2009 (Day 3)

We actually slept five hours Wednesday night, which is relatively rare at conventions. After eating breakfast in our room, we headed to the convention center, arriving at our booth about 45 minutes late.

Not much was happening on the second day of the trade show. They set it up to be a partial day, which signaled to many people to go home early. And so they did.

I had time to begin reading Sovereign: An Oral History of Indian Gaming by Suzette Brewer, which is good so far. I also had time to walk the floor and take pictures. I met journalist Dave Palermo, picked up a book called Real Indians, and saw comedians Williams and Ree in passing.

Back at the booth, Chairman Mark Macarro of Pechanga visited for a while. So did Comedian Charlie Hill with his daughters and nephew. On the way out, we saw Adam Beach promoting his new Ghost Bear slot machine and signing autographs.

Victor Rocha dropped me off at the airport and I had a perfect flight--no delays--home. Now I'm working on PECHANGA.net for a long 3.5-day weekend while Victor enjoys himself at the Coachella Music Festival.

For more on NIGA 2009, see NIGA 2009 (Day 2) and NIGA 2009 (Day 1). For more on Indian gaming, see The Facts About Indian Gaming.

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