June 10, 2009

Terrorism at the Holocaust Museum

Just 10 days after a white man allegedly killed abortion doctor George Tiller, another white man allegedly killed a guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Some links on the subject:

Commentary:  Tiller's shooting was domestic terrorismOne man shoots another man dead at church because of a vehement disagreement with the victim over an issue with deep political, ideological and moral implications.

That's just wrong.

But it's more than that. When one American takes the life of another in the nation's heartland over an issue with deep political, ideological and moral implications, that's domestic terrorism.
James Von Brunn:  A Profile

Open Thread:  Shooting at the Holocaust MuseumDimMati wrote:

I think that the american media just can’t handle that whites are be terrorists. I think it goes against their commonly held belief that white americans are a content (i.e. complacent) punch of simple folks that are ok with the status quo in this country.

And in the recent years, non-white, oppressed, 2nd or 3rd world peoples being put up in the media as ‘real terrorists’, when a white one comes along, they (media) just doesn’t want to call the person a terrorist. Because like…it’s just not done.
Comment:  As usual, the picture below is worth a thousand words.

For more on the subject, see Why White Boys Keep Shooting and Klansmen, Neo-Nazis, and Christian Patriots.


  1. Along with the recent white terrorists who are downplayed as being "Terrorists", there is also the non-white Muslim terrorist who killed the man at the Army recruiting center. I'm not seeing that guy called a terrorist much either.

  2. Stephen7:49 PM

    "I think that the american media just can’t handle that whites are be terrorists."

    That's funny, the media has hyped IRA terrorism endlessly. Also comparing anti-abortion terrorists to Jihadi or Palestinian terrorists is like comparing the meddelin cartel to a small street gang. Don't get me wrong anti-abortion terrorists are no better than the 'allah akbar' crowd but they simply don't the resources, international funding, support, finances, anti-abortion terrorists don't have or haven't had tyrannies that shelter them or give them money etc.

    "And in the recent years, non-white, oppressed, 2nd or 3rd world peoples being put up in the media as ‘real terrorists’, when a white one comes along"

    The idea that Middle Eastern terrorists are 'victims of oppression' is a myth; quite a few members of al-qaeda were from well to do Saudi backgrounds; the scumbag who committed al-qaeda kenya embassy bombing was from a wealthy Saudi merchant family.

    Now onto this particularly stupid article by Rob:

    "Tim Wise, a Nashville-based writer and activist, has written an excellent essay titled School Shootings and White Denial."

    So in other words you agree with a racist article; great. Also the term white is such a loaded word and it describes so many different people; who aren't necessarily primarily of European descent quite a few Indians have significant caucasian ancestry and countless middle eastern people are white.

    "by stereotyping minorities when it portrays them at all."

    Ah yes only non-whites are stereotyped in rob's idiotic lil' world; I guess all those Jewish stereotypes are just in my imagination.

    "they tend to lash out in greater numbers. They join gangs and commit crimes or drop out and become pregnant."

    A classic example of stereotyping; according to Rob minorities only deal with anger by joining gangs, which simply isn't the case.

    "Whites have more opportunities than minorities to achieve the American Dream."

    Hmmmm then all those impoverished whites simply don't exist?

    "If smoking weed or getting tattooed doesn't drown their sorrows, they join subcultures like the Tim McVeigh militias, neo-Nazi skinheads, or Rush Limbaugh dittoheads. Or they lash out individually with guns."

    Once again another example of stereotyping; I went through my angry young man phase and I didn't do any of those things.

    "Violence is an American...white...and male problem."

    Gee nothing racist about reducing a problem down to a single skin color.

  3. Stephen7:51 PM

    Also I'll post on Rob's idiotic palestinian thread as soon as the comments are no longer disabled; apparently he's more interested in tossing insults around than debating like an adult.

  4. "Hmmmm then all those impoverished whites simply don't exist?"

    Really? Admitting that white privilege exists is tantamount to saying all whites are rich? Nobody's that stupid, Stephen. You're a parody, right?

  5. @rob "And in the recent years, non-white, oppressed, 2nd or 3rd world peoples being put up in the media as ‘real terrorists"

    Bin Laden can possibly be considered white (being Caucasian), and millioniares don't typically count as "oppressed". And he is the poster-child for terrorism.

    @rob "Whites have more opportunities than minorities to achieve the American Dream."

    Depends on the white individuals and minority individuals being compared.

    Pixie: The "white privilege" concept is intellectually simplistic and washes over a lot of differences.

  6. Also, Stephen said "Also I'll post on Rob's idiotic palestinian thread"

    Rob does make some pretty good points in it. Denying that the Palestinian nationality exists even be considered to be a genocidal view.

  7. Stephen7:31 PM

    "Really? Admitting that white privilege exists is tantamount to saying all whites are rich? Nobody's that stupid, Stephen. You're a parody, right?"

    White privilege doesn't exist; it's a stupid cliche.

    "Rob does make some pretty good points in it. Denying that the Palestinian nationality exists even be considered to be a genocidal view."

    I don't really see how that can be considered genocidial since I've previously criticized the recent actions in Gaza.

    "and millioniares don't typically count as "oppressed."

    Exactly, also the article Rob quoted sounds very sympathetic to middle eastern terrorists; like I said a lot of Al-Qaeda members came from very well to do Saudi backgrounds and before that a lot of well to do Saudis took part in the Jihad against the soviets.

  8. "Whites have more opportunities than minorities to achieve the American Dream."

    Hmmmm then all those impoverished whites simply don't exist?

    Wow, how do you respond to such utter idiocy?

  9. Also I'll post on Rob's idiotic palestinian thread as soon as the comments are no longer disabled

    You've got quite bad logorrhea. I expect that holding it in is painful. Just take a dump in this thread.

  10. Stephen8:43 PM

    "Wow, how do you respond to such utter idiocy?"

    How is it idiotic? The white privilege cliche is a myth.

    "Just take a dump in this thread."

    Nah you'd already done that. ;)

  11. How is it idiotic?

    Rob said "whites have more opportunities." You instantly interpreted that as "no whites are poor."

    Either you don't know the difference, or you reflexively lie when arguing. Or both.
