July 31, 2009

Mercurie's take on TV Indians

Someone named Mercurie has written a three-part analysis of Indians in television. Here are the links:

The Invisible Minority:  Native Americans on American Television Part One

The Invisible Minority:  Native Americans on American Television Part Two

The Invisible Minority:  Native Americans on American Television Part Three

In his References section, Mercurie cites Newspaper Rock first:Newspaper Rock

(A blog devoted to the portrayal of Native Americans in pop culture. It not only proved invaluable in my research, but to be very interesting reading as well.)
In a comment, he added:Rob, feel free post excerpts on Newspaper Rock. I would be flattered! Newspaper Rock is one of the best blogs I have ever read.Therefore, you know his analyses must be good. <g>

Clearly Mercurie has watched most of the shows he mentions. Which puts him way ahead of me. I didn't start watching Native-themed movies and TV shows seriously until the mid-1990s.

Anyway, these articles are too long to summarize, but I'll post a few excerpts soon. Meanwhile, check 'em out.

For more on the subject, see TV Shows Featuring Indians.

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