August 06, 2009

All about Alex Meraz

Celebuzz:  Seven Things You Need To Know About ‘New Moon’ Wolf Alex Meraz

By EvieIt took one New Moon casting announcement to bring Alex Meraz from obscurity into the thick of Twilight mania. Out of all the wolf pack cast introduced, Meraz has clearly captured the public imagination with his shirtless photos and his piercing eyes. But who is Alex Meraz? We asked his mentor and friend, actor Raoul Trujillo, to give us a breakdown.

HE’S GONE FROM ‘NEW WORLD’ TO ‘NEW MOON’: Meraz’s first big film was New World as one of the Powhatan core warriors. “That’s kind of where he got the bug,” says fellow New World cast member Trujillo. “It was an incredible experience.”

Meraz was in the running, but was turned down for Apocalypto: “Mel felt he didn’t look Mayan enough, which was silly.” says Trujillo who was cast. “I don’t look Mayan either, but they put a prosthetic nose on me and I looked plenty Mayan.”

HE’S A SERIOUS DANCER: Meraz came to Trujillo’s attention when another choreographer found him break-dancing on the streets in Phoenix, Arizona. Besides break-dancing he excels in indigenous and contemporary dancing. Meraz is “an inherent dancer” says Trujillo, who is also a choreographer.

HE CAN KICK SERIOUS VAMPIRE BUTT: Alex has studied mixed martial arts, winning numerous tournaments in karate and the martial art of Capoeira. “He’s a pretty lethal martial artist,” says Trujillo. “He can kick some serious ass.”

SORRY LADIES, HE’S MARRIED: Alex is madly in love with his Vietnamese-American wife Kim. They have a child named Somak (Trujillo is the god-parent). Kim was the one who was a true Twilight fan.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Wolf Pack Shows Savage Side and Quileute Werewolves in Twilight.

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