August 24, 2009

The Border Project

The Border Project—Border Dwellers Offer Border Perspectives

By Debra Utacia KrolA partnership between the Tucson Pima Arts Council, the International Sonoran Desert Alliance and the Smithsonian gave Wallace the means to express the views of those most affected by border policies. In conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution’s traveling exhibit Between Fences, which in turn is associated with the Smithsonian’s project Borders, Fences and Gates, the exhibition aims to give voice to the families that immigration and border polices are ripping families apart.

Wallace was selected to create the local exhibition. Her thoughts turned to the students she teaches in Curley School’s Las Artes GED Program and to the students at Tohono O’odham High School, where her boyfriend teaches.
And:During the process, which took place in October 2007, the students formulated their thoughts about the border. They also created one piece of art crafted in clay representing their feelings. Wallace was struck by how openly and honestly the students expressed their views and shared their perspectives in a respectful manner.

The finished exhibition features a picture of each student accompanied by his or her art. Pieces range from skulls and crosses dotting the land, representing the many deaths of people trying to cross, to stop signs in both English and Spanish. A rusty chain-link fence is placed over small papers with the students’ statements about the border.
And:Another facet of the exhibit is the colored line decorating the faces of each student. Francisco notes that the kids came up with the idea to show how the border has divided their families and lands.Comment:  I believe this is the article for which the Native American Journalists Association recognized Deb Krol. Check it out.

For more on the subject, see Tohono O'odham in Immigration Play.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Yep, this is the one. I'm very lucky that the Heard lets me do some great journalism!


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