August 05, 2009


As you may know, the Avengers are Marvel Comics' premier superhero group. At the moment they're starring in several series, including THE INITIATIVE. Here's what the Initiative is:

Fifty State InitiativeThe Fifty State Initiative, often referred to as simply The Initiative, is a fictional governmental plan that appears in the Marvel Comics universe. Its purpose is to provide a superhero team in every state of the United States after the conclusion of Civil War.

The Initiative plan is #41 on the list of 101 items that Mister Fantastic, Iron Man and Yellowjacket came up with to ensure the increased security of super-human activities, following the Stamford tragedy that helped pass the Superhuman Registration Act. Registered superhumans are sent to Camp Hammond to train before they are assigned to an Initiative team.
Comment: Indians make a few appearances in the first issues of THE INITIATIVE:


The Texas Initiative team called the Rangers tackles some trouble near the Western White House. Armadillo and the Native hero Red Wolf have the following exchange:ARMADILLO: Ay! So you think after today these protestors will still be against the War on Terror?!

RED WOLF: They're against the war in Iraq, Antonio! Those are two different things!

Dani Moonstar arrives to train a young hero named Terrence Ward ("Trauma"). Trauma can turn into a person's worst fear, which is similar to Moonstar's original power.

Trauma isn't happy to see her. "Whoa! Back off, Pocahontas," he says. To make his point, he turns into Moonstar's worst fear, the Demon Bear. Using only her agility, she gets a chokehold on the giant bear and coaxes him to change back.MOONSTAR: Nice try, Terrence.

MOONSTAR: But I learned a long time ago--

MOONSTAR: --to face my fears.

MOONSTAR: To fight them!

MOONSTAR: To fight them with every ounce of my being!

Moonstar reports to government official Henry Gyrich on Trauma's progress:MOONSTAR: Terry's made some great strides using techniques I learned from both vision quests...

MOONSTAR: ...and my time at the Xavier Institute. I think I"ve helped him get a handle on his gift.

MOONSTAR: In fact, it's no longer an "all or nothing" affair. By fine-tuning people's fears in small to larger doses...

MOONSTAR: ...I believe Terry could become one of the world's greatest behavior therapists...

MOONSTAR: ...helping people overcome their worst fears one step at a time. Terry?
Trauma demonstrates his "therapeutic" power on Gyrich, which only makes Gyrich mad.GYRICH: What in the hell have you done? That boy's an Omega level threat!

GYRICH: And you've turned him into a New Age, tree-hugging liberal @#$%!!

GYRICH: That's it! Kid, you're coming with me!
After Trauma and company fail to stop the rampaging Hulk, Moonstar and Gyrich have a final exchange:MOONSTAR: So much for your "big gun," Mr. Secretary.

GYRICH: Drop dead, Moonstar.
For more on the subject, see Comic Books Featuring Indians.

Below: Dani Moonstar as an overly buxom Cheyenne princess instructor in THE INITIATIVE #5.

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