August 14, 2009

NAJA recognizes ICT in 2009

Indian Country Today honoredIndian Country Today captured eight awards at the 25th Annual Native American Journalists Association Awards Banquet Aug. 1 in Albuquerque, N.M.

A part of the Oneida Indian Nation’s Four Directions Media group, Indian Country Today took the top three award categories of first, second and third place for Best Weekly Column; the top two in the category--Best Editorial and first place Best Layout Broadsheet Category. The publisher also garnered second place for Best Feature Story/Weekly Category; and third place for Best News Story/Weekly Category.

Earlier in [the year, ICT] won the American Indian Tribal Enterprise of the Year award at an economic summit and trade fair held in Las Vegas. The honor was given by the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development and was accepted by Randi Rourke, editorial page editor for ICT, on behalf of the paper and Ray Halbritter, Oneida Nation Representative and publisher.
Comment:  Congratulations to Randi Rourke, Rob Capriccioso, Deb Krol, and the other Native writers I know who won awards.

For more on the subject, see NAJA's 2008 Award Winners and Native Journalism:  To Tell the Truth.

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