August 22, 2009

Skateploitation! at Indian Market

Indian Market:  Skateploitation! event mixes skateboard competition, music, art

By Tom SharpeTwo dozen skateboarders were warming up behind Warehouse 21 an hour before Santa Fe Indian Market's first Skateploitation! event began Saturday.

They jumped, twisted, turned and occasionally fell—eliciting groans from their parents, who huddled under the scant shade around the parking lot.
And:The event, co-sponsored by the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts, the longtime sponsor of Indian Market, was open to everyone in three age categories.

The competition was run like a game of basketball "horse"—with competitors trying to match tricks to win another letter as they tried to spell "skate."
Comment:  For more on the subject, see All About Apache Skateboards and Skateboarding = Native Culture.

Below:  "Gerardo Guzman, 17, of Santa Fe practices his jumps Saturday outside Warehouse 21 during Skateploitation!, a skate competition presented by SWAIA and Apache Skateboards." (Luis Sanchez-Saturno/The New Mexican)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    My skateboarding years(1994-1999) was a memoriable one. I never been to skate event that was sponsored by Natvez or that it benifitted Native culture in any way, shape or form. They didn't have those back then. So its a good thing they have them now. I still have a photo album of my skateboarding days, airborned after doing a 50-50 grind on 1 1/2 ft curb, a 5 step stairs and crash scene shot on time while trying to do a grind on a low lying rail. My scabs/scarz on my elbows and knees are evident of my skateboarding years.

    It was a good time.



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