September 08, 2009

Fighting Sioux = fraidy cats

UND disapproves of depth chart cover showing Texas Tech mascots chasing American Indian

By Tu-Uyen TranOn the cover of a depth chart that went out to a select audience at the UND-Texas Tech University game this past weekend were five characters: Texas Tech football coach Mike Leach, Chancellor Kent Hance and Texas Tech’s mascots the Masked Raider and Raider Red, all chasing an American Indian on a horse running scared.

In the context of the ongoing debate over the University of North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux nickname, which some believe is racist, any Indian caricature becomes a loaded image.

“I don’t think the image represents the University of North Dakota the way we would like to be represented,” UND spokesman Peter Johnson said, “but I also think it’s impossible to control the behavior of opposing teams.”

At Texas Tech, Assistant Athletic Director Chris Cook said repeatedly that the university didn’t have any ill intentions. “Regardless of who we’ve played, we’ve always been chasing an opponent,” he said of the image. “It was another game, another opponent and we’re just chasing another opponent. I know there was no malicious intent there.”
Comment:  Perfect! UND's use of an Indian mascot comes back to bite it.

UND's logo shows only an Indian man's head. Where did Texas Tech get the idea that "Fighting Sioux" represents a Plains warrior from a century and a half ago? Why not a fighting Sioux Indian in high-tech military armor or a high-priced lawyer's suit?

Because "fighting" means fighting like a brute, a thug, a killer. It means being ruthless, vicious, deadly. It refers to the "savage" part of "noble savage," not the "noble" part.

UND spokesman Peter Johnson said he thinks "it's impossible to control the behavior of opposing teams." That's why you control what's within your control, bright boy. If you eliminate your Indian mascot, opposing teams won't depict themselves hunting half-naked savages like varmints.

Assistant athletic director Chris Cook's comments are equally lame. His covers show every Texas Tech opponent being hunted and shot--whether it's a longhorn or an Indian. So far this practice hasn't offended a single non-human species. Who would've guessed that an image of attempted murder would upset people who have been the victims of attempted murder?

Naturally this reminds me of the world's greatest mascot quote:We simply chose an Indian as the emblem. We could have just as easily chosen any uncivilized animal.

Eighth-grade student writing about his school's mascot, 1997
The timing of this cover is also perfect. UND has been trying to get both Sioux tribes in the state to approve its nickname. Mascot foes should send this story and illustration to every member of the tribes considering another vote.

"Here's what people think of you, the so-called Fighting Sioux. You're running like a scared chicken from the bigger, tougher white men. Are you feeling the 'honor' and 'respect' yet?"

For more on the subject, see Fighting the Fighting Sioux and Team Names and Mascots.

Below:  "Run, cowardly little Indian, run. And then we'll honor you at half-time. We respect you, really...honest Injun!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Pathetic how some dimwitted Lakotas actually think its an "honor" to be a silly, ridiculous little mascot for fun and games, amusing the white man. This isn't so much about "Indians" in general but rather the UND's " Fighting Sioux". So the quote should read as follows:

    "Run you little Sioux warrior, run!, then we'll honor you!"

    If its about "Indians" in general, the mascot would be nicknamed--"Fighting Injuns".

    Sure, there's the Fighting Irish, and lets see if the stinking raider head shoots his Irish "opponents".....

    "Redskins" and the Cleveland "Indians" are about Indians in general because it cites no specific tribe. But the UND is mainly about mocking the "Sioux" warrior. I'm sure other tribes are laughing(or at least feeling sorry for) at the Lakota people. If you really are against being a retarded mascot for fun, games and fatuous amusement, then vote this tawdry idea out once for all. How hard it is that? I mean, they(Lakota) have debating this issue for years now. And it seems that they can't make up their mind.



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