September 07, 2009

Indians in Miami Vice movie?

I just came across this article from February 2005:

Exclusive Miami Vice Casting Buzz

Some Michael Mann vets to join it?

by Stax
IGN FilmForce was advised by a source that two veterans of Michael Mann films--specifically Wes Studi and Danny Trejo--were up for roles in the writer-director's big-screen remake of Miami Vice.

Studi appeared in Mann's Heat and Last of the Mohicans, while Trejo was a member of Robert De Niro's crew in Heat.

We asked Mr. Trejo's reps at Amsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier Talent Agency if he was up for the role of Lt. Martin Castillo, which was played on the original series by Edward James Olmos.

While not confirming that Trejo's part would be Castillo, AEF did advise IGN that "our office is currently in discussions regarding the project and Danny Trejo. ... He is under consideration for two roles in the project."
Comment:  Studi and Trejo look a little too similar to both be in the movie. But either one could've played the Castillo role.

Even better, Mann could've hired a Native for one of the two starring roles, not a supporting role. No one says the characters have to remain the same in a remake. (See Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica as a good example.)

Instead, Mann didn't hire Studi or Trejo for his movie. Oh, well.

For more on the subject, see The Best Indian Movies.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I enjoy some of Trejo's characters. Especially in "Blood in, Blood out". But in "Heat", they kinda made him look like an idiot. Like a stand-by type of guy. Studi's character in that film as a dedicated law enforcement official(a detective) was somewhat mild, yet so-so. At least he wounded Val Kilmer.


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