September 03, 2009

Jerry Fogg's Mankato 62

Yankton Sioux tribal artist inspired by Oscar Howe

Jay KirschenmannJerry Fogg's Native American artwork is a mixed-media world of drawing, feathers, old coins, documents and more.

The Yankton Sioux tribal artist wins top awards at art shows, he says in part thanks to his inspiration, the late native artist Oscar Howe.
Comment:  I mainly posted this item so you could see the artwork below. I think it's an interesting example of mixed-media art.

I presume the title refers to Mankato in 1862, where 38 Sioux Indians were hanged per President Lincoln's orders. Thirty-eight tassels (or whatever they are) hang across the center.

For more on mixed-media art, see Quick-To-See Smith's Art Exhibit, "Walrus Family Portraits," and Gasping at Mixed Media.

Below:  "Artist Jerry Fogg's "Mankato 62." (Lara Neel/Link)

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