September 11, 2009

Peltier:  Obama's political prisoner

The Denial of My Parole

I Am Barack Obama's Political Prisoner Now

By Leonard Peltier
In America, there can by definition be no political prisoners, only those duly judged guilty in a court of law. It is deemed too controversial to even publicly contemplate that the federal government might fabricate and suppress evidence to defeat those deemed political enemies. But it is a demonstrable fact at every stage of my case.

I am Barack Obama's political prisoner now, and I hope and pray that he will adhere to the ideals that impelled him to run for president. But as Obama himself would acknowledge, if we are expecting him to solve our problems, we missed the point of his campaign. Only by organizing in our own communities and pressuring our supposed leaders can we bring about the changes that we all so desperately need. Please support the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee in our effort to hold the United States government to its own words.
Comment:  For more on Leonard Peltier, see Assassins Paroled But Not Peltier and Peltier Denied Parole Again.

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