September 12, 2009

Teabaggers:  Obama = "half-breed"

Some reports on the teabagger rally for white privilege in Washington DC:

One View From The GroundI expected a small crowd of die-hard wingnuts. I was surprised by the size of the crowd. I was also surprised by the range of people in attendance. Some in the crowd appeared to be low functioning zealots suffering from serious mental illness and/or undisguised racial hatred. However, most of the people who marched by my vantage point appeared to be rather earnest but misled members of the lower middle class who were just regurgitating Fox News memes concerning imagined threats to America. (Death panels, free medical care for illegal immigrants, onerous taxation, insidious socialism, etc.) I purchased a "Don't Tread on Me" flag that I attached to my backpack and then talked to a dozen or so people who were all very excited about the turnout and expressed the belief that they represented the majority of the American public. They sounded pretty much like the target group of Nixon/Phillip's southern strategy. I received the impression that they were living in a Fox bubble and would be shocked if they do not win the day.EntitledI was at the Lawn with all of the red shirted, white, angry Beck loving neo-patriots and there in no way it was a million people or even close. There were small groups huddled around the Glen Beck inspired flags and the usual disaffected white males wandering in groups with the American flag desecrated by being incorporated into clothing. Having been to the exact same location for the Obama Inauguration and other large political events, this was small fry in comparison. However, it was an angry group with a real sense of absolute entitlement. Something not focused on by many. This sense of entitlement that they deserve to be the dominant deciders and that it's being taken away.

I of course wore a Health Care Reform t-shirt and an Obama cap while on my jog. Very interesting mix of people. Mostly what one would expect. Rural, Southern/plain states, white, with a great number of middle-aged white men with either military crew cuts or biker tattoos. There were a very small number of blacks but interestingly absolutely no Hispanics or Asian Americans anywhere at all. I stayed away from the groups of men wandering around in biker jackets with tattoos carrying flags. Interestingly not a lot of American flags but a lot of other flags including the yellow don't tread on me flag. I actually felt relieved by this event even though there were signs that were shocking because I do not think it will have the impact the organizers were hoping for. And my main thought I had as I observed these people was how many of them will forget they were against health care reform ten years from now when it is a part of American life and many have seen lower costs and their family members covered. One could almost imagine what it was like when Medicare was introduced, the civil rights bills, forced busing, etc. And how many of those people are now advocates or accept it to be a positive part of America.
Correspondent DMarks sent us an image to check out:

Imagine that, he's a man of the cloth!

But the reason I sent this to you was the use of an anti-Native racial epithet on the sign.

This is a typical definition for the term "half breed":

"An offensive term for an offspring of parents of different races (especially of Caucasian and American Indian ancestry)."

The tea party protest I went to had mostly civilized signs, with a couple of bad ones. The bigger the event, the more likely there are to be bad signs like these. I do not mind signs like this being exposed and ridiculed.
Comment:  For more on the teabaggers' underlying racism, see Teabaggers Support Racist Imagery and Teabaggers Misuse Indian Imagery. For more uneducated idiots who think they understand economics, health care, and education, see Morons with Signs.


  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Sad what America has become. I'm talking about the gullible ill-informed knuck-draggers at these sorts of rallys. Although, the main protest was held in D.C. Many large cities nationwide had their own little protests. We had the same thing in Phoenix. Ironically, there was only one black fool who showed up. The infamous "Chris B." aka Christopher Broughton who made national attention by bringing a loaded AR-15 to a live Obama convention last month, in Phoenix.

    As for these zombie(and yes, zombies are naturally retarded), sometimes you just can't fix stupid. These people do have the immunity to protect themselves from the paranioa infested hyperbole spewed from the dislikes of Glenn Beck, Savage, Dobbs, Hannity, O'Reily, Coulter, Ingraham etc etc...

    And that's what I meant by sad, this part of America has gone insane. We should be grateful that we have developed the immunity to ward off dangerous mind boggling insinuations regarding the POTUS. Race is actaully the root of this cause. No doubt.


  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Another interesting sign pic at:

  3. Stephen8:40 PM

    What an extremely poor guilt by association argument, a few signs doesn't make it a klan rally, however you haven't mentioned a thing about the sheer amount of anti-semitism at anti-Israel rallies (ie countlesss signs comparing Israel to nazi germany).

    "Some reports on the teabagger rally for white privilege in Washington DC"

    That's as absurd as saying that Blacks who protested bush are anti-white bigots.

    "Ironically, there was only one black fool who showed up."

    So someone you don't even know is a fool just not agreeing with you?

    "The infamous "Chris B." aka Christopher Broughton who made national attention by bringing a loaded AR-15 to a live Obama convention last month, in Phoenix."

    That's one guy; if there was an entire rally of people with AR-15s you'd have a point.

    "These people do have the immunity to protect themselves from the paranioa infested hyperbole spewed from the dislikes of Glenn Beck, Savage, Dobbs, Hannity, O'Reily, Coulter, Ingraham etc etc."

    Hannity, Savage and company are complete wastes of space, by lying morons like Moore are not any better.

    "And that's what I meant by sad, this part of America has gone insane."

    A few protests are not exactly my idea of insanity.

    "Race is actaully the root of this cause."

    If that was true there'd be far more racist signs; anti-Israel rallies are the hand are dominated by anti-semitism.

  4. Stephen8:58 PM

    Also it's not as if there aren't things to protest about Obama.

    "In Warrantless Wiretapping Case, Obama DOJ's New Arguments Are Worse Than Bush's
    Commentary by Tim Jones

    We had hoped this would go differently.

    Friday evening, in a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA, EFF's litigation against the National Security Agency for the warrantless wiretapping of countless Americans, the Obama Administration's made two deeply troubling arguments.

    First, they argued, exactly as the Bush Administration did on countless occasions, that the state secrets privilege requires the court to dismiss the issue out of hand. They argue that simply allowing the case to continue "would cause exceptionally grave harm to national security." As in the past, this is a blatant ploy to dismiss the litigation without allowing the courts to consider the evidence.

    It's an especially disappointing argument to hear from the Obama Administration. As a candidate, Senator Obama lamented that the Bush Administration "invoked a legal tool known as the 'state secrets' privilege more than any other previous administration to get cases thrown out of civil court." He was right then, and we're dismayed that he and his team seem to have forgotten.

    Sad as that is, it's the Department Of Justice's second argument that is the most pernicious. The DOJ claims that the U.S. Government is completely immune from litigation for illegal spying — that the Government can never be sued for surveillance that violates federal privacy statutes.

    This is a radical assertion that is utterly unprecedented. No one — not the White House, not the Justice Department, not any member of Congress, and not the Bush Administration — has ever interpreted the law this way.

    Previously, the Bush Administration has argued that the U.S. possesses "sovereign immunity" from suit for conducting electronic surveillance that violates the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). However, FISA is only one of several laws that restrict the government's ability to wiretap. The Obama Administration goes two steps further than Bush did, and claims that the US PATRIOT Act also renders the U.S. immune from suit under the two remaining key federal surveillance laws: the Wiretap Act and the Stored Communications Act. Essentially, the Obama Adminstration has claimed that the government cannot be held accountable for illegal surveillance under any federal statutes.

    Again, the gulf between Candidate Obama and President Obama is striking. As a candidate, Obama ran promising a new era of government transparency and accountability, an end to the Bush DOJ's radical theories of executive power, and reform of the PATRIOT Act. But, this week, Obama's own Department Of Justice has argued that, under the PATRIOT Act, the government shall be entirely unaccountable for surveilling Americans in violation of its own laws.

    This isn't change we can believe in. This is change for the worse."

    And don't even get me started on the revolting idea of letting illegal immigrants have health care.

    Not to mention there's the matter of how he insulted homosexuals and lumped them in with child molesters. So let's not kid ourselves, Obama's just as much of a bigot as the guy with the 'half breed' sign.

    Plus there's how he praised a certain genocidial mad man by the name of Kemal Mustafa Attaturk who inspired hitler.

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Obama being a Muslim is news to me.

    Dig the people (and commentor) who think this is "not about race/ism". Obviously analogies having nothing to do with this make that assertion true!

    Honestly? The most interesting commentary on these rallies comes in the form of some kid joking around:


    - m.

  6. Stephen1:02 AM

    "Obama being a Muslim is news to me."

    He isn't, it's a lie about him (just like the birth cert silliness). However it hasn't stopped him from praisng a certain pro-slavery religion (a Black man praising islam is roughly the equivalent of an Armenian praising Mustafa Kemal Attaturk).


    "Dig the people (and commentor) who think this is "not about race/ism."

    I don't deny that there are some protesters who are racist however claiming that one or two offensive signs makes these protests 'racist' is a moronic argument.

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    "A few protests aren't exactly my idea of insanity"

    No. There's nothing insane about the protest itself or by itself. Its the signs by dimwitted idiots who refer Obama to Hitler and Stalin etc. Such signs has no political meaning to it. Especially, if one knows the actual history between German "Nazi" and Russian "Communist". Those analogies are irrelevant. This is what I mean by insane. So one has to wonder--did these "teabaggers" flunk history class?


  8. Cher had a song about it in the 70s or 80s.

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "Obama being Muslim is news to me."

    I was being facetious.

    The 'big 3' faiths have always provided a vehicle for many of the followers to assert their "facts" on and oppress everyone else. I could point out all that is wrong with Christianity and Judaism, as well as many Christians and Jews, but I won't because that is a waste of space on a post that is not about religion in the first place.

    - m.

  10. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "Obama being Muslim is news to me."

    I was being facetious.

    The 'big 3' faiths have always provided a vehicle for many of the followers to assert their "facts" on and oppress everyone else. I could point out all that is wrong with Christianity and Judaism, as well as many Christians and Jews, but I won't because that is a waste of space on a post that is not about religion in the first place.

    - m.

  11. Stephen: I know very well that the bad signs at such rallies are a minority of all of the signs.

    Also, I disagree with Rob, who in a more recent post, seems to think that inoffensive signs merely opposing overtaxation, gun control, and the "public option" are also bad and possible racist. Of course this is not true. These are mainstream views that have nothing to do with race or "white privilege".

    However, the bad signs, while relatively few, are very bad, and deserve to be pointed out and derided.

    About Christopher Broughton: Does anyone have the entire story on this? Did he commit any firearms offenses (carrying in prohibited place or fashion, brandishing, threatening, etc)? I am finding too much "noise" when I search.

    Anon: "Especially, if one knows the actual history between German "Nazi" and Russian "Communist". "

    Both were subtly different versions of totalitarian fascism. I agree that it is ridiculous to call Obama either.

    Stephen: Christian theocracies were justifying and participating in slavery for centuries before Muhammad founded Islam.

    Also, you said "I don't deny that there are some protesters who are racist however claiming that one or two offensive signs makes these protests 'racist' is a moronic argument."

    I wonder, where the other protesters standing shoulder to shoulder with the blatant racists, or were they confronting them over the blatantly racist signs?

  12. Stephen8:11 PM

    "Also, I disagree with Rob, who in a more recent post, seems to think that inoffensive signs merely opposing overtaxation, gun control, and the "public option" are also bad and possible racist. Of course this is not true."

    Right it's just as absurd as conservatives who tried to label criticism of palin as 'sexism'.

    "However, the bad signs, while relatively few, are very bad, and deserve to be pointed out and derided."


    "Stephen: Christian theocracies were justifying and participating in slavery for centuries before Muhammad founded Islam."

    Right which provest that religion is a tool of oppression.

    "I wonder, where the other protesters standing shoulder to shoulder with the blatant racists, or were they confronting them over the blatantly racist signs?"

    I don't know, I haven't bothered to find vids of the protests mainly because of a lack of interest.

  13. Stephen12:46 AM

    Also here's what Obama's plan for health care for illegal alliens will encourage:

    "Schurman-Kauflin states that the illegal alien population includes 240,000 sex offenders รข€“ a “conservative estimate,” she says. She goes on to say, “This translates to 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders coming across U.S. borders illegally per day.” She points out the 1,500 offenders in her study had a total of 5,999 victims, an average of four victims for each sex offender and says, “This places the estimate for victimization numbers around 960,000 for the 88 months examined in this study.”

  14. Stephen: If the point is really to get rid of sex offenders, you can make a much bigger dent by deporting native-born Americans.

    This group commits more sex offenses than illegal aliens. By far.


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