February 21, 2010

Begay:  Tiger's apology was real

Tiger Woods' Apology:  Fellow Golfer Insists Emotions Were Real

Close Friend Notah Begay Admits Woods Return to the Course Will Be Met With 'Boos'

By Sarah Netter, John Berman and Russell Goldman
After he was finished speaking, Woods made a point of tearfully hugging a group of people seated in the front row, including his mother and Begay.

"I know that the emotion and the sincerity and the humility that he demonstrated in his statement and throughout the whole thing was coming from the heart," he said. "And that's the very first place you have to start when you are in a rehabilitative process."

Begay said he choked up watching his friend struggle because it was one of the few times he couldn't keep his emotions in check.

"Tiger doesn't get emotional at these types of statements and functions. In the past, even at Earl's funeral," Begay said of Woods' father. "He kept himself together and didn't get as emotional as he did on Friday."
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Notah at Tiger's Apology.

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