April 10, 2010

Videos of NIGA 2010

MyTribeTV.com filmed the following videos at NIGA 2010 in San Diego. See especially the PECHANGA.net and Adam Beach videos on the "NIGA Thursday" tab.

Comment:  We arrived late Wednesday, so we didn't attend any NIGA events that day. We were occupied Thursday, so we didn't attend the ribbon cutting or the Wendell Chino banquet.

The ribbon cutting is worth watching if you want to see a few semi-famous people. Among those in attendance were former Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Nation Nation president Joe Shirley, NCAI president Jefferson Keel, Adam Beach, and basketball star Bill Walton.

The PECHANGA.net video features Victor Rocha, owner of the website where I work. It's only a minute long. I was standing nearby and may have coaxed the MyTribeTV crew to film Victor. I'm not sure they would've done it if I hadn't suggested it.

In the Adam Beach video, the actor calls Indian gaming "the new Indian country" and "sovereignty at its best." Exactly.

For more on the subject, see Pix of NIGA 2010 and NIGA 2010 (Day 2).

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