November 04, 2010

Libraries hide Hidden from History

Hidden from History Books Systematically Destroyed across Canada

By AlexCopies of the historic book Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust have disappeared this week from the libraries at McGill and Concordia Universities, and from local aboriginal resource centers, following on a similar disappearance of the book from the Vancouver Public Library and the University of B.C. Library system during October.

Librarians have not provided any clear reason how the books vanished so easily and quickly.

Hidden from History is the primary resource book that documents the evidence of the deliberate genocide of native people in church-run Indian residential schools across Canada. Published in 2005, its 500 pages contain documents, death records, official correspondence and eyewitness testimonies that prove a fifty percent death rate in the schools, and a clear intent by church and state to wipe out indigenous populaces under the guide of education and religion.

The disappearance of the books coincides with the sudden and unilateral banning without cause of Kevin Annett, the book’s author, from his decade-long public affairs program on Vancouver Co-op radio, after apparent RCMP intervention.
Comment:  Sounds like censorship to me...!

For more on Natives and censorship, see Teachers Protest True Diary Censorship and Publishers, Librarians Avoid Controversy.

1 comment:

  1. This happened with accounts of the Tulsa Riot in Tulsa, OK.


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