June 07, 2011

Charges against Kilcher dropped

Prosecutors dismiss charge against actress arrested for White House protestProsecutors have dismissed a charge against the actress who played Pocahontas in the film “The New World” and was arrested after chaining herself to the White House fence.

Q’orianka (kohr-ee-AHN’-kuh) Kilcher and her mother Saskia Kilcher were arrested last June after the actress chained herself to the White House fence and her mother poured a black substance over her. The actress was charged with disorderly conduct and her mother was charged with defacing government property.

The 21-year-old, whose father is a Peruvian Indian, was protesting the sale of land in Peru to oil companies. Peru’s president, Alan Garcia, was meeting that day with President Barack Obama, and Saskia Kilcher said their goal was to disrupt his visit.

Prosecutors dropped the charges against both women Monday after they completed community service.
Comment:  For more on Q'orianka Kilcher, see Kilcher Arrested at White House and Kilcher Is Passionate for Activism.

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