June 22, 2011

Sweat lodge = witchcraft?!

Here's more on the story I posted in Christian Crees Tear Down Sweat Lodge:

Dismantled sweat lodge exposes rift in Christian, traditional teaching

By Ingrid Peritz“The community was founded by Christian faith and values of our elders and past leadership,” the resolution reads. “The members of the Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou hereby declare that the sweat lodge along with any form of native spirituality practices and events such as pow-wows, rain dances, etc., do not conform with the traditional values and teachings of our elders.”

Chief Louise Wapachee, reached by phone, refused to discuss the case. Other band members also declined. But one Cree elder who opposes the sweat lodge said he believes it doesn’t belong in Oujé-Bougoumou.

“We don’t want to confuse our youth,” said John Shecapio-Blacksmith, 61. “I’m a Christian. A lot of people here got saved through prayer. That’s why we don’t want to build anything.” He added: “You have to be careful what you bring into the community. You don’t want to bring in witchcraft.”

The conflict underscores the complicated legacy of the Christian church among Canadian aboriginals, from residential schools to the missionaries who tried to suppress traditional ceremonies associated with shamanism.
Comment:  Wow. Indians think sweat lodges aren't traditional but the Bible is. That's a twist.

That's the kind of thinking that leads to banning Harry Potter books and "The Wizard of Oz." And in extreme cases, burning people at the stake.

I guess we know why "two spirit" people are no longer accepted among many tribes today. Because they aren't traditional according to Leviticus.

For more on the subject, see Conservatives Attack "Ugly" Native Prayer and Giago:  Native Religions Don't Work.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It's still not to the point of Uganda, thank God.

    But I'm starting to imagine this. Really? Christian Crees? David Mandelbaum's seminal work The Plains Cree doesn't describe anything resembling Abrahamic traditions; in some cases, quite the opposite.


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