July 22, 2011

Black Elk Speaks play

Oglala Lakota College stages ‘Black Elk Speaks’Native American culture and traditions will take center stage at Oglala Lakota College’s new Oglala Cultural Experience featuring a production of the play “Black Elk Speaks.”

The play is based on the 1932 book of the same name by Nebraska poet John G. Neihardt, taken from his conversations with the Oglala holy man Nicholas Black Elk, who lived from 1863 to 1950.

Black Elk said that several times during his life, he had several visions in which he learned things that would help his people. In the book, he reveals the story of his life, including his experiences at the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the Wounded Knee Massacre, and tells of Native American tribal traditions and spirituality.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Stereotypical Black Elk "Film-Opera" and Native Plays and Other Stage Shows.

1 comment:

  1. For more on the subject, see:


    Oglala Lakota College play aims to reach young people

    The man with the starring role and director’s duties for Oglala Lakota College’s production of “Black Elk Speaks” hopes the spiritual lessons he’s added to the play will thrive among the young people who come to see it.

    “It validates our culture,” said Larry Swalley of the revisions he’s made it to a stage adaptation of John G. Neihardt’s spiritual classic from 1932. “Hopefully, it will take root and then our children will come to have a better understanding of our culture and flourish with it.”


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