By Josh Peterson
Originally, the school board voted 3 to 2 to in favor of keeping the Sherman Alexie book, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" out of the high school curriculum.
But after reading the book and after some strong public opinion, two of those board members changed their minds.
The book is about a young, native american man struggling with his identity.
Some readers have concerns that the book contains inappropriate themes.
Richland School Board reverses course on book ban
By Jacques Von Lunen
Guay and Donahoe thought that the entire IMC read the book before its members gave it mixed reviews last month.
But to speed up the process, IMC members split up in groups. Each group reads a particular book and then shares its findings with the rest of the members.
Once Guay and Donahoe found out that only part of the committee had read the book, they wanted to revisit their votes against it.
"That was my misunderstanding," Donahoe said Monday.
He read the book two days after the June 14 meeting and found it to be "outstanding," he said.
For more on Absolutely True Diary, see Young-Adult Fiction Too Dark? and Absolutely True Diary Challenged Again.
My English teacher told me "profound" and "offensive" are synonymous.