July 01, 2011

Showband criticism reaches Irish press

Indians told to disband by PC posse

By Stephen MaguireA BAND called The Indians who dress up as Native Americans are under pressure to disband.

A US campaign group claims the band, formerly called The Casino Showband, are insulting to the country's indigenous people. The politically correct campaigners have gone as far as to contact a number of concert promoters in Ireland calling on them to boycott the band. They have bombarded various hotels and concert venues with emails as part of the campaign.

The Indians have been playing concerts across Ireland for 40 years, have their own stage names and wear costumes.

Band leader and keyboard player Eamon Keane, who is known as Sitting Bull, said he is outraged that the group are trying to claim his band are dishonouring the native American people.

"All we ever get are positive comments about our show. This is PC gone mad. I don't want to give this added publicity but it's madness.

"I have received a lot of emails from these people. I would be happy to meet them and explain to them that we are not trying to offend them."
Comment:  Awesome! Five days after this controversy erupted, it's in the media! Power to the peeps!

Some reactions from me and my Facebook friends:

"PC posse" = critics of racism, of course.

The "Indians" get "positive comments" only because they play before equally clueless audiences in Europe. The first time Natives heard about this band, the responses were overwhelming negative.

‎"I have received a lot of emails from these people. I would be happy to meet them and explain to them that we are not trying to offend them." Yeah, why don't you meet with a few members of AIM? And see how badly they kick your butt with that stupid argument?

The Fighting Irish have become the Whining, Crying Irish. They're feeling the pressure, so keep it up!Didn't like the tone of the article though. "PC posse" ... As though this was about being politically correct. Seems they have much to learn. Eamon Keane "is outraged that the group are trying to claim his band are dishonouring the native American people." Keane is "outraged"?Yes, the tone is bad, but getting mentioned at all is a good first step.

The "only a band" excuseMaybe someone should suggest they explain racism to the people in South Central...in blackface.Right. I'd say these "Indians" are totally clueless, but they're no worse than most Americans. "Hey, let's try the same argument they used in 1850 to justify minstrel shows. Maybe it'll work better now than it did then."

Funny that the Irish crybabies have responded to criticism by saying the "Indians" are only a band. Whaddya think...that stereotypes have to be attached to nuclear missiles before they're harmful?

It's only a band, a song, a mascot, a TV show, a movie, etc. I'd love to hear these idiots specify under what circumstances they'd oppose Native stereotypes. Never, obviously.

So stereotypes are "harmless"? So is burning a cross in someone's yard (if you make sure it doesn't singe the grass). And hanging a noose on someone's door. None of these cause any physical harm, so what's the problem?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names, images, crosses, and nooses will never hurt me."

For more on Irish showband, see "Blacks" Showband vs. "Indians" Showband and Natives Attack "Indians" Showband.

Below:  Another harmless exercise of free speech not intended to offend anyone.


  1. That's awesome. Quick too. It'll be interesting to see if this thing gets legs. Crossing fingers.

  2. From the criticism I saw, nobody was suggesting they disband - just give up the "Indian" gimmick. If they are any good as a showband their music would still appeal.

  3. just another bloody mick5:53 PM

    no doubt you are making a point by referring to the supporters of this band as "the Irish" as if all Irish do, but really such generalisations are not helpful. There are plenty of Irish and people of Irish descent who do not support this.

  4. Ron Terrell6:22 AM

    Disband , no. Discontinue use of names of great American NDN chiefs, discontinue use of native costumes and drop song Squaws along the Yukon which is offensive to native women. This group is native American

  5. Shadow Wolf7:56 PM

    Actually, I'm all for the "disbanding" of the Irish "injun" showboaters, if nothing else. Discontinuing the usage of Native gimmick isn't good enough. That would be like disrobing their costumes but still taking up Native stage names.

    Disintegrate altogether and bury their hatchets.

  6. So it's not cool to dress up like native americans on stage but it's cool to mock a whole nation of people because of one band?

    I'm a member of Sami people in Scandinavia and we've been through similar oppression as you native Americans. There are still lots of stereotypical Sami people on tv in Finland, Sweden and Norway, but guess what? We know EVERYONE knows it's a joke.

    You are getting angry about people who in no way affect your life, culture, heritage or value. You are just making yourself look bad by getting upset.

  7. So glad they're feeling the pressure. If they were wearing blackface, surely people would see the problem?

    Nils,the article specifies that actual Native Americans are offended by this act. It's not just a joke. The US and Europe are full of people who still believe the following stupid things about Native Americans:

    --they don't even exist anymore --they are all lazy drunks
    --they are all rich on casino money
    --they all receive a mysterious monthly check just for being Native
    --they are all members of Plains horse nations
    --they are soopaspirtchul people who want to tell you what your "power animal" is and give you an "Indian name"

    These stereotypes are part of what keeps real Native people and their continuing oppression from being taken seriously. They are a big part of why it's considered so acceptable for the white majority to mock Natives, pervert their religions, and beat and rape them at a rate far higher at the rates at which other races are beaten and raped.

    And these beliefs hurt the oppressors, too. Stupid white people who think anything Native is spiritual and cool were dying in fake in sweat lodges long before Jas. Arther Ray came along.

  8. And fitting with #4 above, they all use canoes, live in tipis, have big feather head-dresses, and have totem poles.

  9. Having read several postings and the related comments, I haven't seen a single resident of Ireland criticize the "Indians" showband. I'm sure these people exist, but I haven't seen them yet.

    I've criticized a lot of stereotypical things that are less noteworthy than this band, Nils. And I don't get angry, I get even.

    "People who in no way affect your life, culture, heritage or value"? Wrong. T. said it perfectly when she wrote, "These stereotypes are part of what keeps real Native people and their continuing oppression from being taken seriously."

    For more on the subject, see The Harm of Native Stereotyping:  Facts and Evidence.


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