August 09, 2011

MPP compares Caledonia to London riots

Tory MPP under fire for Twitter posting linking Caledonia to Nazis

By Rob FergusonA veteran Progressive Conservative MPP is being accused of fanning the flames of a festering native standoff in Caledonia with a pre-dawn Twitter posting linking it to the London riots.

Toby Barrett, who has represented the Caledonia-area riding of Haldimand-Norfolk since 1995, used the Twitter hashtag #appeasement. His tweet also referenced the 1990s Oka crisis and linked the Caledonia conflict to the ongoing riots in London, England—drawing the ire of his political opponents and residents.

“It’s inflammatory every way you look at it,” said Greg Crone, the Liberal candidate challenging Barrett in the Oct. 6 provincial election.

Six Nations resident Tracy Bomberry, who drew attention to Barrett’s tweet when she posted it to Facebook, said she was stunned, particularly by Barrett’s reference to the London riots when he used the hashtag #bringthearmy.

“Oh my goodness,” Bomberry said. “That’s just ridiculous. There’s no comparisons at all as far as I’m concerned. He’s completely off the mark in this tweet.”
Comment:  So Barrett thinks the London rioters and the Native protesters at Caledonia are enemies of the state. He's tired of appeasing them and wants to bring in the army to quell them. In other words, to kill the savage rioters and Indians.

For more on the Caledonia protesters, see Mound Supporters Compared to Violent Protesters and Aboriginal Youths on the Warpath? For more on the subject in general, see Indigenous Resistance = "Terrorism"? and Indians, Terrorists = US Enemies.

Below:  "A tweet by Progressive Conservative MPP Toby Barrett is drawing criticism for comparing the native standoff in Caledonia to appeasement, the 1990s Oka crisis and the ongoing riots in London, England."

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