March 26, 2012

Clippers Native American Heritage Day

Los Angeles American Indians Participate at LA Clippers GameThe Los Angeles Clippers may have danced after their 101-85 victory over the Memphis Grizzlies this past Saturday night, but there were others dancing during half time of the National Basketball Association game.

Saturday, March 24 was billed as Clippers Native American Heritage Day in Los Angeles. This was the third year in a row the Los Angeles Clippers have sponsored a Native American Heritage Day.

Over 300 American Indians people primarily from low income homes attended the game. Most of the families who attended came from the Los Angeles metropolitan area, though one California based tribe sent some tribal citizens who traveled 300 miles round trip.

“We have had some great testimonial stories from the parents who told the ticket coordinator, Tracy Perez, that she would never have been able to take her kids to such an event because of the cost,” commented Ron Andrade, director of the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission.
Comment:  For more on Indians and pro basketball, see Lakers Practice at Pechanga and Clippers Cursed by Indians?

Below:  "Some 70 American Indians dressed in full regalia drummed, sang and danced during half time."

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