July 24, 2012

Owners plan to franchise Tocabe

Chuck Trimble reports on eating and meeting the owner at the Tocabe restaurant. I found the tidbit below particularly interesting:

Tocabe--A Native culinary treasure in Denver

By Charles TrimbleShe went into the kitchen and brought out her son Ben to meet us. He is impressive, even in his reversed baseball cap and apron. He and his business partner--a close friend from his college days – run a happily hectic operation smoothly with well trained, friendly staff of young Native servers. Where it is situated, it is a neighborhood restaurant, but it is obvious that people from all over the metro area come there regularly.

Ben described plans to expand operations via franchise, and early connections even call for some to be in major professional sports facilities, such as stadiums and arenas. He gave me a business summary plan that is convincing that he knows what he’s doing, and his plans are thorough and realistic. I had little doubt from talking to him that I was talking to an entrepreneur destined for success--perhaps a future Famous Dave Anderson.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Tocabe on Food Network and Bringing Native Foods to the Fore.

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