September 23, 2012

Navajo hosts mixed martial arts

Navajo Nation hosts first MMA event in Window Rock

By Shondiin SilversmithThe capital of the Navajo Nation is about to play host for its first extreme sporting event as fighters from across the nation gather to compete in the mixed martial arts event "Warpath 3: Rise of Champions" this weekend at the Window Rock Sports Center.

"It's a Native American mixed martial arts professional and amateur event," said Tay Carroll, CEO of Cage LifeTM Sports and Entertainment, a Native American owned and operated professional MMA and entertainment company based in Albuquerque. "We are looking to promote up and coming Native American talent."

Carroll said Warpath was founded in 2006 with the intent of promoting local Native American fighters, but as they scouted for competitors no Native fighters could be found–until now that is.

"One of the biggest goals we have is helping the young Native American athletes find this sport and work toward that major goal of actually making it into the big time," he said.

A large part of the fight card is Native American, which is what makes Warpath 3 different from the first two, according to Carroll.

"This is the first time we've promoted a big card like this with all Native American competitors," he said adding that there are a total of 12 fights scheduled, including pro and amateur fights. Carroll said that two thirds of the fight card is Navajo fighters.
Comment:  The whole Warpath concept is stereotypical, of course. But I guess it's appropriate in this particular situation.

For more on Native martial arts, see Native Pankration Champion and Vilche the "Eskimo Warrior."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Also David Michaud, while we're covering Indians in MMA.


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