October 13, 2012

"Feather Tell-a-Tale"

A Facebook posting reveals a ridiculous plaything:Yikes! Meet "Feather Tell-a-Tale." She's from a magical tribe of blue-haired girls and two-headed bears. Serious question: Are companies on 'shrooms these days?Comment:  Note the turquoise hair, the colorful teepee in the background, the two-headed bear resembling a totem pole, and the "funny" Indian name.

This doll is obviously trying to have it both ways. It uses a whole host of stereotypes to evoke the idea of an Indian princess. But with the blue hair and "magical" references, the manufacturer can claim she's from a mythical, multicultural tribe that includes everyone.

No sale on that point here. This is pure Native stereotyping. Dolls like this should be hounded from the marketplace.

For more on the subject, see The Americana Indian" and Dolls of Canada's North.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    When it comes to how non-Indians portray Indians, I generally assume there's some drug involved. But with rich people, the stock joke is cocaine. Just be aware of that.

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I am of Native American background. My daughter is 1/4 Seminole. She received her Feather doll for Christmas, and she loves it. I think too much is put into the "stereotype" hype sometimes. Kids of certain ages DON'T CARE about that kind of thing. They are pure and innocent and non-conforming. Besides, my daughter doesn't "look" native american, so this doll was better than getting her a dark skin/haired doll that she couldn't identify with. I think it's cute. If you look at the whole line of dolls, they are ALL a little weird! :)

  3. Colorful tee pees are enough to give us the idea that it's an Indian doll, but seriously, the whole concept itself (specially the blue hair) is not something you want your kids to learn, unless you're encouraging them to do drugs. No offense to the manufacturers. Nobody grows blue hair.


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