October 11, 2012

Means has cancer again

American Indian Movement Veteran Russell Means Fights Cancer Again

By Levi RickertThe past two years have been a struggle for Russell Means, Lakota, as he has vigorously fought cancer.

On Monday the family of Russell Means released an email revealing that the American Indian Movement veteran is again fighting cancer. While sent by his family, the content of the email was written by Means, in the first-person. Here is the text of the email:

Hau Mi Takuyeyapi, hello my relatives.

I know many are concerned about my health and I want to thank you for your strong prayers and for all the ceremonies taking place on my behalf.

On August 20, I learned I have new cancer spots. I am in Scottsdale, AZ where I have fantastic medical teams utilizing both alternative and western applications. We are working toward a good solid program that will enable me to come home to my ranch on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation within the next few weeks.

I am sorry I am not available for comments as I need all of my energy to fight for my life once again. I love you and look forward to regaining my life.

May the Great Mystery continue to guide and protect the paths of you and your loved ones.

As indicated in the message, Means does not disclose the location of the cancer in his body. In July 2011, he was diagnosed with esophagus cancer and elected not have surgery which would have required removal of a major portion of his tongue. He depended on alternative medicine, including American Indian ceremonial remedies.
Native Sun News: Activist Russell Means battling cancer again

Comment:  For more on Russell Means, see Means Releases New Book Online and Oglala Sioux Tribe Honors Means.

Below:  "Longtime activist and actor Russell Means, Oglala Lakota, speaks at the Dakota Conference on the campus of Augustana College in Sioux Falls April 27." (Stew Magnuson)

1 comment:

  1. For more on the subject, see:


    Native Sun News: Activist Russell Means hospitalized in Arizona

    Russell Means has been admitted to a hospital in his seasonal hometown of Scottsdale.

    The American Indian Movement co-founder and actor was hospitalized last week, when he announced that his esophageal cancer was no longer in remission. The 72-year-old said he learned he has “new cancer spots” on Aug. 20.

    Prior to the Aug. 20 diagnosis, Means, who is Oglala Lakota, had kept his throat cancer at bay since December of last year, saying at the time that he was cancer-free.


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