September 03, 2013

"Declare War on Diabetes" motorcycle run

Dennis Banks to Lead 18,000 Mile "Declare War on Diabetes" Motorcycle Run in 2014

By Levi RickertDennis Banks, 77, a cofounder of the American Indian Movement, has announced a 18,000 mile motorcycle run across America with hundreds of American Indians participating to "declare war on diabetes."

Dennis Banks, cofounder of the American Indian Movement, has issued a Declaration of War on Diabetes.
And:The motorcycle run will have four staring locations in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego on August 11 with the final destination of the nation's capital, Washington, DC on September 10, 2014.

Throughout the various routes across America, motorcyclists will stop at various American Indian reservations and communities as they journey to Washington.

Once in Washington, the group will visit members of Congress and present them with a national diabetes policy, according to Banks.

This will be the second endeavor by Banks to draw attention to the ill-effects of diabetes in Indian country. In 2011, he led the "Longest Walk 3–Reversing Diabetes" that took the long walkers to 72 American Indian reservations and communities before they arrived in Washington.
Comment:  For more on the subject, see Longest Walk 3--Reversing Diabetes.

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