January 14, 2015

Land sale in Parks and Recreation

In this season's debut of Parks and Recreation (airdate: 01/13/15), Wamapoke Indian Ken Hotate makes another appearance:

Parks and Recreation, “2017”/”Ron and Jammy,” (7.1-2)–TV ReviewThere’s a plethora of recurring characters from old episodes in this episode, including Ken Hotate, last seen in “Harvest Festival” (whose son sells Bolo ties on Etsy and is a complete disappointment).2017At the cocktail reception for the Bicentennial Banquet, Leslie hits up local Native American leader Ken Hotate for financial help with her dream of a new national park. Ken hints that the Wamapoke tribe has been thinking of building a second resort. Leslie explains that there'd be no resort--she's looking for a donation of $90 million. Ken points out to Leslie the irony of his people being asked to donate money for a federal land purchase of territory that was taken from them by the federal government in the first place.Comment:  As usual, Jonathan Joss's portrayal of a modern Native leader is good. Indeed, there's nothing to complain about in this brief bit.

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