October 09, 2006

More good Native-themed books

Native American titles for young readersAs a multicultural education has become the norm, it is important for young people--especially teens--to be aware of the vast amount of reading material available at the library that deals with other cultures. Native American themes are among those discussed in the classroom, and there are many talented authors who have written both nonfiction and fiction titles on the subject. The Manatee County Central Library should be the first stop in your quest for Native American writing.

Noted author Barbara Kingsolver writes about the Cherokee Indian Nation in her wonderful book, "Pigs in Heaven." Another great selection is "The Shadow Brothers," A. E. Cannon's book about the Navajo. "A Yellow Raft in Blue Water" by Michael Dorris is another excellent example of Native American fiction.
Comment:  Pigs in Heaven is right up there with Pastwatch as my all-time favorite book about Natives. But I wouldn't say either book is for children. Rob's rating:  9.0 of 10.

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