April 11, 2007

Attacking Imus while watching Redskins

Hypocrisy and Hanging Imus Out to DryTo me it is so very hypocritical of African Americans to spout remarks of racism every time people like Don Imus make stupid remarks and yet themselves show up at Washington Redskin football games or Kansas City Chiefs games decked out in feathers and war paint, waving tomahawks, and believing that in doing so they are honoring Native Americans. This is the height of hypocrisy.

When Chinese Americans castigated Pekin High School in Pekin, Illinois for using "Chinks" as its mascot, the practice ceased. Why is that any different than using the color of a people's skin as a mascot? I call the percutaneous selection of a mascot by Washington the equivalent of using the "N" word, and I have since used it as the "R" word when referring to this professional football team. But my pleadings have, for the most part, fallen on deaf ears in the Black community.


  1. I doubt the mainstream organizations that hired Imus would hire Yeagley. Yeagley works mainly for right-wing organizations that don't mind dealing with zealots.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I see the point about the Redskins thing. There is a woman where I work who wears Cleveland baseball gear. The managing partner is from Cleveland, and our 'casual days' frequently say that you can wear your TRIBE gear. I kid you not. We get all-users emails. Yeah, definite double standard. But polarizing the issue between african american and native american (and I don't think you're doing this) is not the right way to think about the issue. It seems that the issue is racism itself. Far from being a topical issue, the issue is obviously systemic, regardless of how much we rearrange terminology in terms of political correctness. Imus' comments, Yeagley, and the fact that the Washington and Cleveland franchises are not seen as a 'problem' by the media (and issue framing is integral in forming public opinion).

    Rob, you replied to a blog that I had written about this issue, among other things. Someone brought up the issue of "well, do you like Lenny Bruce?" The issue is not one of free speech. And then one has to draw a distinction when it comes to satire. Sarah Silverman, for instance, 'Jesus is Magic.' She came under fire for a joke she told. I have friends who found Silverman's film absolutely repellant. I thought it was a work of satirical genius, overall.

    I wouldn't say that Imus doesn't have the right to say what he wants to say. I'm sure he already has offers to write the forward to "the turner diaries."

    As far as people saying, "well, gangsta rappers say that all the time." Yeah, and it sounds just as ignorant coming from 50 Cent as it does coming from Imus.

  3. Writerfella here --
    Yike! writerfella LOVES those whose handiness in usage of the English language approaches his own, but he also MUST acknowledge that there are others who surpass his own skill, like that of Greggie. OMG, G, you have it. Not only does your command of syntax and correlation match that of writerfella, but your mental processes also approach writerfella's! Please, contact writerfella, if only to say, 'I'm not interested.'
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. We need to challenge everyone's stereotypical perceptions, whether they're Indians listening to Imus or blacks watching the Redskins.

    I wonder if your workplace would let you wear "tribal" gear from the Washington Zulus, New York Hebes, or Los Angeles Wetbacks. Probably not.


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