April 15, 2007

Imus mocked Indians too

Siouxlander LaMere feels vindicated after Imus firedIn April 1994 LaMere, a Winnebago Tribe member, was the target of an ongoing series of insults after he tried to get the radio shock jock's nationally syndicated program thrown off a Le Mars, Iowa, radio station after comments Imus made about a trip he had made to the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona.

"He proceeded to label all Navajo men as homosexual," LaMere said. "From there it just went downhill."

Imus said that Navajo men were "coming out of the tepee" because Navajo women were ugly, along with references to alcoholism among the Navajo people.


  1. Writerfella here --
    Don't worry -- someone will find that Imus and Yeagley and Churchill are one and the same person, and that Rob Schmidt is campaigning to become one or more of them all. That way, they all can retire and watch the new blood do better than did they...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. Yeah, except I disagree with Yeagley and Imus on most things and I've yet to see evidence that Churchill is an Indian. In other words, not.

  3. Writerfella here --=
    But has ANYONE seen Imus, Yeagley, Churchill, AND Rob Schmidt all together on the same stage? OMG, they're all the same! Holy Samoleons! We've found a shape-shifter!
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. Anonymous5:37 PM

    It's just like I said in my blog on this topic. Imus, along with the likes of local shock jocks here in Cincy (WEBN) are a cultural abortion. It's an embarassment. And these guys' ratings are through the roof. One way to perpetuate racist sentiments is exactly how these guys operate. A little bit here, a little bit there--but not overtly hostile--shroud it in a "joke." That way when someone stands up and says "No, I find that offensive," it's all the easier to dismiss them as a frump or party pooper.

    And I am not at all against him saying what he wants to say. I am upset with the media for giving him as large a platform as they do. At some point his boss should've stepped in a long time ago and said--this isn't humor, it's hateful.


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