April 09, 2007

Yeagley's agenda explained

How the Right Uses People of Color to Foster RacismWhite supremacy, sensing the need to repackage itself for consumption in polite company, partially fills the demand for racist bile by outsourcing to mercenary writers of color. Michelle Malkin and Dinesh D'Souza--of Filipino and Indian descent, respectively--are top guns of the genre, ever eager to slander non-whites, especially Blacks, as threats to Euro-American white "civilization."

For premium fees, Malkin and D'Souza act as trusted Gunga Dins and shock troops for fascism. The corporate media makes advocates of racism and white American supremacy very rich. American racism also gives certain non-white people advantages. They are able to escape the indignity that black Americans face. They are then able to disassociate themselves and become allies with the very worst and most dangerous aspects of political life in this country.
Comment:  The same applies to Yeagley the Indian apple.

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