May 28, 2007

Rob an ignorant racist?

You may enjoy the following smackdown. It offers a few more arguments about Mark Reed and L. Frank Baum, of all people. I post it here only because it's in the archives and you probably wouldn't see it otherwise.

"You've showed yourself as an ignorant racist and a fan of advocates of genocide. Period."


  1. Writerfella here --
    Because that set of posts vanished so quickly into The Archives of Arcturus, writerfella never bothered to dredge them up again because there's a funny thing about Reeds: they always bend to the wind, they always have what their benefactors are drinking, and they never shut up. Rob, what Mark Reed meant to say was one of his standard lines to women: "Rob, you ignorant slut!" It just didn't come out right because his host was downing shooters and the wind was from the west...
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  2. All the postings vanish in the same amount of time: one week. But they're still available in the archives.

    This latest comment defended Reed but was from someone named "SuperIndian," not Reed. "Super Indian" is the name of Arigon Starr's radio plays, but I don't think it was from her.

  3. Writerfella here --
    Omigosh! It's Clark Kenaitze! He's SuperIndian! Uh, oops, now writerfella's done it! He revealed SuperIndian's secret identity! Holy Spit! Now he's gonn get it! Aiiiieeee!
    All Best
    Russ Bates

  4. You guys have no clue do you?

    Superndn can't be caught! ;)

  5. Readers can follow the link and judge for themselves whether I've caught "Superndn." Caught him making asinine assertions, that is.


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