June 13, 2007

Dollar to honor Indians?

Bill Would Change Sacagawea Dollar CoinThe House voted Tuesday to give a new look to the Sacagawea dollar in hopes of reviving flagging interest in the seven-year-old golden coin.

The legislation, approved by voice vote, would make annual changes to the reverse side of the coin to commemorate the achievements of other Native Americans and Indian tribes. The image of Sacagawea, the young Shoshone who assisted Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific Northwest 200 years ago, would remain on the heads side of the coin.

The legislation suggested that possible designs could be the creation of the Cherokee written language, the Iroquois Confederacy, Wampanoag chief Massasoit or Olympian Jim Thorpe.

Currently, the reverse of the coin depicts a soaring eagle with 17 stars representing the states at the time of the 1804 Lewis and Clark expedition.
Comment: I'm glad they're talking about changing the reverse and not the obverse. I think the Sacagawea dollar has a great design.

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